Dizziness Following a Car Accident

Car accidents are no laughing matter. Besides damage to your vehicle, there’s the possibility that you have been physically injured. In fact, you may still be hurt even if you think your body is “holding up okay.” For example, dizziness – while not immediately concerning to most people – can be a sign of a medical problem that must not be ignored. As an experienced brain injury lawyer – including those who practice at Royce Injury Attorneys, LLC – can confirm, ignoring possible neurological symptoms (such as dizziness) after a car accident could result in potentially catastrophic physical and financial consequences. 

What Dizziness Means

Feeling dizzy after a car crash could mean you have a brain injury. Other signs that your cognitive functioning has been negatively impacted include:

  • Lightheadedness
  • Imbalance
  • Fainting
  • Nausea
  • The sensation of slowly moving, even though you’re being still

Any of these symptoms could point toward a concussion. Immediately seek medical assistance the moment you suspect you have one. You’re not overreacting by seeking medical attention – you’re exhibiting healthy signs of self-respect and care. 

What a Concussion Means

Concussions are traumatic brain injuries caused by severe blows to the head that reduce one’s ability to process information. You might have smashed face-first into the steering wheel or the side window during impact. The odds of developing a concussion in these instances are strong. Although uncommon, victims of serious concussions sometimes temporarily lose consciousness. More common side effects are:

  • Headaches
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Loss of coordination

Most individuals fully recover. However, left untreated, long-term complications may develop. Vertigo, chronic headaches, mood swings, and brain fog are all possibilities. These problems sometimes last for months or even years. For this reason, individuals who’ve suffered even minor head trauma should seek a neurological evaluation.

You may feel fine and return home, suspecting that nothing is wrong. Over time, symptoms might emerge that indicate there’s a problem. Rush to a doctor if you experience ringing in your ears, feel drowsier than normal, have slurred speech, or become sensitive to light and noise. Depression and blurry vision are other indications that you have an untreated concussion.

What Legal Action Means

Expenses are inherent in getting medical treatment, and nobody should be forced to shoulder an economic burden because of someone else’s wrongdoing. Additionally, it’s impossible to calculate a concrete value for the pain and suffering that concussions create. If the vehicular accident you were involved in wasn’t your fault or was only partially your fault, consider seeking legal compensation. Consult with an experienced attorney to better ensure that you are properly paid any compensation to which you may be entitled. But first – seek necessary medical attention.