Things to Do After A Car Accident

5 Things That You Need to do After A Car Accident

Given the volume of traffic in this day and age, it is no surprise to hear about road accidents every once in a while. But you have to know that these things are pretty common and have nothing to do with how good a driver you are. Mistakes can occur anytime and accidents can be completely unpredictable.

So, it is not out of the ordinary to get into a car accident. But oftentimes people panic, which again is an involuntary reaction, and things might seem out of your hands but you need to stay calm and assess the situation for your own benefit.

If you own a car and are a regular driver then it will not hurt to know about the following things that you need to do after a car wreck. Maybe one or two of these might help you out in such an unfortunate event.

Here is the list of five things that you need to after a car accident:

Check For Injuries

Alright, I know what you are thinking- This is obvious. But you have to understand how crucial this is. Many a time people just try to focus on the external injuries but there might be a certain internal injury which you might not be instantly aware of or might not have the mental capacity to look for such things if you find an external wound. One of the most common injuries is a concussion. These can be dangerous as the effects take time to appear.

It is basically your brain getting jiggled in your skull after you hit your head. You might not feel much pain but if you can remember that you hit your head make it your primary concern to seek medical help as soon as possible since concussions can be very bad. Other common injuries are neck injuries, chest injuries, facial injuries etc.

Another thing that many people don’t know about is that depending on the severity of the accident, you may need to see a therapist. A trauma like that can affect a person psychologically and hence you need to be sure that you don’t have any psychological injuries.

Consider Hiring An Attorney

Car or truck accidents can leave serious damage for the victims involved. Even if you are careful mishaps do happen and sometimes they can be serious. Hiring an experienced attorney is necessary to ensure your rights are enforced and that you are compensated for your injuries.

Attorneys will help you understand the legal side of things and will let you know who will pay your medical bills, etc.  It is always a good idea to hire an attorney since they have a better understanding of the law and will do the legwork for you. If you hire a personal injury attorney, many get paid only if they successfully prove your claim; this will help you as there are often no upfront costs.

Notify The Police

This one of the prime things to keep in mind. Most of the time people are so distracted with injuries and damages (rightly so) that they forget about this. But you need to notify the authorities as soon as possible. You need to have the scene of the accident documented in a legal report.

Even if the accident is a minor one and no one is seriously injured it is advisable to do so. It ensures that anyone who has any kind of involvement in the accident is protected. It will also benefit you to call the authorities in case a lawsuit is filed in the future.

These reports are very important both for your lawyer and also for the insurance company that you will file your claim with.

Document The Accident

Documentation of the incident takes a higher priority when the damage is serious. Since if the fingers start point in the wrong direction and facts start becoming based on hearsay then things can get out of hand. If you can operate your smartphone camera snap as many pictures as you can from various angles that can document the damage done and can provide a full picture of the entire event.

Be sure to take an image of the license plate of both yours and the other person’s car. It is also highly important that you document your personal injuries and your medical bills. The damage photos might be required by the insurance company even though they will send a surveyor to survey the damages.

Unfortunately, mishaps do happen and one needs to be ready for them.

The above points should be kept in mind if one faces such an unfortunate event. 

Mistakes that people make after a car accident

5 Common Mistakes People Make After A Car Accident

Being in a car accident has to be a very traumatic experience for anyone. In these tough times, we often tend to make serious mistakes that can cost us later. Thus, it is important to know the correct steps to follow after being in an accident, as bad times always come unannounced.

If you or your loved ones have been in a car accident, there are certain steps that you need to take to ensure you get proper treatment and compensation for the accident. During that time, ensure you do not carry out these mistakes.

Check out the top 5 mistakes people make after a car accident:

Choosing not to get the police involved

Probably the worst thing you can do after being in an accident is think that you can manage the situation alone. Your first instinct should always be to call 911. Even if you or anyone else is not majorly injured, it never hurts to have a police report with all the details of the scene.

If the insurance company gives you grief about your claims, you can always refer to the police report to get important details. If the accident was not your fault, you have nothing to worry about. Just go ahead and call the police, as witnesses are always necessary.

Choosing not to seek the advice of an experienced attorney

Choosing not to seek the advice of an experienced attorney

After the police, the next professional on your mind should always be an experienced attorney. Again, do not think you can carry out negotiations with the insurance company alone. Mostly, huge organizations try to get out of paying much if anything to the victim. In such cases, an attorney can help you.

Several law firms in every state work for a very nominal fee and fight for accident victims against these insurance companies. Some of them even work on a contingent fee basis, which means you only have to pay them if they win the case. So, get an attorney and the compensation you deserve.

Leaving the scene of the accident.

After being in an accident, our first thought always goes towards the well-being of people involved, as should be the case. But in less serious cases, make sure there is someone to document the scene of the accident and take proper notes and photos for future reference. Also, if you leave the scene in a hurry, the police might think you are guilty and charge you with a hit-and-run.

Do not leave the scene of the accident without proper documentation. These overlooks on your part may cost you later if the opposite party denies some of the losses and damages you have incurred.

Choosing not to seek medical treatment

If you have been in an accident, it is imperative that you visit the emergency room and get yourself checked out, for obvious reasons first. Even if there is no external injury, you might have been hurt internally. So, it is always wise to visit a doctor after being in any kind of accident.

Another reason to seek medical treatment is to document that the accident occurred and take a note of your injuries, if any. While pursuing a claim from the insurance company, these reports will help solidify your position and ensure your ordeal is not treated lightly by anyone. A medical record of the incident is, thus, an essential part of your aftercare.

Posting public information about the accident.

In this era of smartphones, our first instinct after going through a tough ordeal is to share it on social media. We often find people sharing photos from the scene of an accident or even posting live videos during the incident. While this may appear a bold and transparent step, it may harm your interests later.

Anything you post on social media can be used against you. Even if the insurance company seems friendly on face value, know that their chief interest is to pay you as little as possible. So, your oversharing can lead to complications in the case and even cost you a lot of money. Be wise about what you are sharing with the world.

Although it is difficult to think clearly after being in a car accident, these basic steps should always be followed for your health and interest.