Different Types Of Evidence To Determine The Fault In A Car Accident

Car Accident Lawyer

Car accidents can be life-changing, often resulting in victims experiencing serious injuries and emotional distress. Figuring out who exactly is at fault in a car accident and to what extent is not always straightforward however. As a car accident lawyer knows, there are many different types of evidence that are evaluated to determine which party is at fault in a car accident. The following evidence is carefully examined to piece together how an accident occurred. 

Physical Injuries 

If you have been in a car accident, you may have suffered minor or major injuries. When the court is determining who is at fault, they will look at the types of injuries an accident victim has, such as whiplash or seat belt bruises. To back up a claim that you suffered an injury, you need to be able to provide documentation like photographs and a detailed medical report. 

Property Damage 

Damage to property is common during a car accident, and it must be documented extensively to help prove who is at fault. The extent of property damage can point to several things, such as how fast a vehicle was going and the direction the vehicle was coming from. Vehicle damage can indicate the type of car accident that occurred, such as a T-bone accident or rear-end collision. 

Witness Statements 

Eyewitnesses are highly valuable in a car accident investigation. Talking to witnesses can help police find out key facts and information that drivers are not able to provide since witnesses may have had a different view of the accident. For example, investigators may interview a bar owner to find out if a driver consumed alcohol prior to getting into an accident.  Since witnesses can be unreliable, their statements should be collected as early on in the investigation as possible.

Video Footage 

Investigators often review video footage or CCTV footage from businesses near an accident site. Their footage may offer unique angles that capture important clues and details about how an accident occurred and the actions taken by the parties involved. This is especially important in a hit and run accident, or car accidents where there are few or no witnesses. 

The courts have many kinds of evidence to consider when they are trying to determine which party or parties are at fault in a car accident. If you have been a victim of an accident, you should try to collect as much evidence as you can to support your case. For more legal assistance, contact a car accident lawyer that you can count on by scheduling a consultation.